Thursday, March 24, 2011

Libya action: UK launches missiles from submarines

RAF Tornado takes off from Gioia del Colle, 23 March 2011
RAF jets have been patrolling the no-fly zone over Libya

UK forces have taken part in a fifth night of coalition action to enforce the UN resolution on Libya, launching guided Tomahawk land attack missiles.
The missiles were fired from a Trafalgar Class submarine and were aimed at Libyan air defence targets.
It comes after RAF commander of the air operations over Libya, Air Vice Marshal Greg Bagwell, said the Libyan air force was no longer a fighting force.
UK forces are part of a coalition enforcing a no-fly zone over Libya.

Ships from Nato nations have also started patrolling off the Libyan coast to enforce a UN arms embargo against Col Gaddafi's regime.
They aim to intercept and board ships suspected of ferrying arms to the Libyan government.
'Watching over innocent'
On Wednesday, Air Vice Marshal Bagwell said the coalition was now applying pressure on Libya's armed forces.
The Chief of Defence Staff's strategic communication officer, Major General John Lorimer, said the missiles launched on Wednesday night were part of the coalition plan to enforce the UN resolution.
"Britain and her international partners remain engaged in operations to support United Nations Security Resolution 1973, to enforce the established no-fly zone and to ready the UK's contribution to the Nato arms embargo of Libya," he said.
AVM Bagwell, speaking during a visit to RAF aircrew based at Gioia del Colle in southern Italy, said: "We are watching over the innocent people of Libya and ensuring that we protect them from attack," he said.
"We have the Libyan ground forces under constant observation and we attack them whenever they threaten civilians or attack population centres."
Speaking in the House of Commons on Wednesday, Prime Minister David Cameron said Arab support for the military operation over Libya was "very strong".
"Clear support is there from the secretary general [of the Arab League]... and I believe support in the Arab world, not just among Arab leaders, but also amongst Arab people, for saving lives in Libya is very strong."
Mr Cameron told MPs that 11 nations were contributing more than 150 aircraft.
He confirmed that Qatari Mirage jets had been taking part in the operation, and said there would be "logistic help" from countries like Kuwait and Jordan.
The prime minister said the coalition operation over Libya had had a "good effect" in protecting civilians, but that it was still early days.
The foreign secretary has announced that the UK will host an international conference on Libya next week.

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